Mission: Seduction Read online

Page 13

  “You know, there’s room in here for two. Hell, we could probably fit three or four in here.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “First of all, it will only be you and me, buddy. You need to know that straight up. Second, my mom and dad are outside my bedroom door. So I’m not exactly feeling it right now.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle as he noticed her breasts. Her nipples were tight against her white cotton T-shirt.

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s cold.” Then she grinned. “Yes, all you have to do is look at me, and I, well, it doesn’t matter. You’re going to take it easy. Now let me help you out of there. Do you want me to get Dad?”

  Rafe shook his head. He hadn’t lied, he definitely felt better. But he was smart enough to know the steroids were only a temporary fix. At least the pain would back off for a few days, and maybe by then his body would have repaired any of the damage he’d done to it.

  Rafe pushed himself up to the ledge of the tub with his forearms. In the hospital, he’d learned how to put most of his weight on his arms to take the pressure off his hip and leg.

  He sat there while she dried him off. It was sweet and sexy as hell the care she took with his body. And he couldn’t hide the evidence of just how much he liked her touch.

  “Give it up, Marine.” She kissed his cheek. “We are so not going there tonight.”

  “We marines never give up,” he whispered as he pulled her onto his lap.

  Swatting him with the towel, she tried to stand up, but he held her tight.

  “I need you,” he told her as he nipped at her ear and then trailed kisses down her neck. The pulse there increased.

  “But you need to—”

  His lips silenced her, and his hands palmed her breasts.

  She moaned and pressed herself into his caress.

  “Tell your parents to go to bed,” he ordered as he thumbed her taut nipple through the T-shirt.

  She shook her head.

  “I’ve taken orders from you tonight, now it’s time for you to do the same.”

  She sized him up for a second and then smiled. “On one condition.”

  “And that is?”

  “You know that thing you do with your tongue...”

  “Consider it done.”

  He wasn’t sure that he’d ever seen her move so fast.

  * * *

  THE STORM CONTINUED to lash the shore when she woke in the morning. She had no idea when they’d finally made it to the bed and she didn’t care. Curled next to Rafe, there was no better place to be.

  He slept on his stomach, one arm thrown possessively over her. His hand held her waist and his face was burrowed against her shoulder. Leaning close, she kissed one eyelid and then the other until he gazed up at her sleepily.

  “Still dark. Go back to sleep.” The command was gruff and sweet.

  “That’s the storm. It’s morning, I need to check on my parents.”

  He groaned, his mouth barely moving as he said, “Give me a minute and I’ll go with you.”

  “Ha.” She slowly, lovingly, feathered his hair though her fingers. “No, I’d rather you stayed in bed so when I return, I can crawl right back in here with you.”

  His arm tightened. “Stay. Go see them later.”

  “I would, but there is a storm.” After everything that had happened last night, she had to make sure they hadn’t killed each other after she’d sent them to bed. That would be really bad for business, not to mention any future family holidays.

  Rafe lifted his head and glanced at the windows. Like the rest of the property, they were shuttered. Meanwhile, the rain pounded the roof with heavy drops and the wind constantly howled.

  “They’re fine, and you know it,” he said.

  “Rafe...” He wasn’t listening. “I bet you don’t want me to go so that I can go back to sleep,” she teased.

  “You’re about to win big, Kel.” His feathery light touch trailed down her hip.

  She giggled until his mouth met hers, and then she was lost.

  A few hours later, she eased out of the bed, careful not to disturb him. They’d played for an hour before drifting off again. She was one, long, happy ache. She’d never understood what it meant to hurt so good before.

  Forcing her gaze away from the sleeping, sexy marine, she pulled on her tank top and a pair of cutoffs. Rafe shifted and she paused, worried her movements might wake him. More than anything, she wanted to slip under the covers and into the warmth of his arms. Safe and adored. That was how he made her feel.

  She took a step toward the bed but stopped.

  No. See to Mom and Dad first.

  Blast being a dutiful daughter. She tiptoed into the bathroom and washed up quietly. After brushing her teeth and pulling her hair up into a ponytail, she snuck back through the bedroom.

  She checked on him one more time. Her heart squeezed at his relaxed pose. Go before you give in to temptation. She rushed out the door, closing it as silently as she could.

  When she rounded the corner into the resort’s main living room, she stopped to open a shutter and have a look at the rain. It was coming down in sheets.

  She closed the shutter and, bracing herself, dashed up the stairs.

  But she’d only taken a few steps when she froze. Her mother and father were on the stairs, naked, entwined in each other’s arms.

  “What are you doing?” she blurted, and clapped a hand over her eyes.

  Never in her life would she be able to get that image out of her mind.

  She shivered.

  “What are you doing?” Her mother echoed the question, but with a great deal more amusement.

  “Making sure you two hadn’t done each other in,” she answered, “but obviously that is not the problem.”

  Clothing rustled behind her. “Please just go upstairs. I gave you separate rooms. Surely you could use one of those. Anybody—the staff—could have come across you. And I have a boatload of guests arriving later tonight if the storm lets up. You can’t do...that sort of thing wherever you feel like it. Ugh.”

  Her parents’ make-up sex on the staircase wasn’t exactly the kind of reputation she wanted for Last Resort.

  At least she would be the only one with the wounded psyche.

  “It’s safe, darling. You can look now.” Her mother’s humor only added another layer to the bizarre.

  Peeking through her fingers, she took a quick peek.

  Her father stood, wearing his dress slacks and her mother had her robe in place. Her hair was artfully mussed and her lips bore no trace of lipstick.


  “As you can see, we are perfectly fine.” Her father cleared his throat.

  “Clearly.” Her hand dropped. She stared at them in wonder.

  “Oh, hush. You’re hardly a child and I’m guessing since your father found you so chummy with that delicious marine that you were not alone yourself last night.” Raina combed her fingers through her hair, mussing it more artfully if that were possible.


  Her dad’s low laugh started in his belly and grew louder. His shoulders shook. “Yes, I suppose I did catch them, so turnabout is fair play.”


  What was she going to do with them?

  Her father continued anyway. “Kelly, I’m fairly certain I explained to you that the marine needed to rest. And that he shouldn’t put any undue pressure on his leg.”

  “I am not having this conversation with you. It’s none of your business, and I’d appreciate it if you would keep your business behind closed doors.”

  “Carter, for a surfer girl, she’s kind of a prude.” Her mother swept down the stairs, regal in her thick white robe. Kelly’s legs refused to budge and her mother pulled her in for a hug.

  “Your father and I want to apologize. You were absolutely right last night. We are two adults and we do know better.” Her mother tugged at Kelly’s ponytail. “I’m sorry we ruined dinner with your young man. I promise if you ever let us eat with him again, we’ll behave.”

  “We promise,” her father agreed, joining in a group hug. He pressed a kiss to Kelly’s forehead. “Given everything he’s done for me, the least I can do is be a little nicer to him. He seems a solid sort, not like the kind you usually date. He does have that going for him.”

  “Oh, Carter. That’s so sweet. Silly. But sweet.” Her mother leaned up and kissed him. As if by mutual consent they released Kelly and wrapped their arms around one other.

  “Hey. Still standing right here.” She shook her head, unable to get over their transformation from drama king and queen to teenage make-out session. She really didn’t know which one was worse.

  They broke their kiss but rubbed noses in a disgustingly cute gesture. Her father gazed down at her mother with such loving adoration and she returned the same to him.

  Okay, Kelly liked that part. It was good to see her parents enjoying their togetherness—but she never really needed to see them that together again.

  “All right, darling. We’ll go upstairs.” Her mother pouted as if they were being punished for being in love.

  “Great. I’m going to check on Rafe.”

  There just wasn’t enough brain bleach in the world to wash away that image of her parents. Better to simply not think about it.

  “She’s a wonderful daughter, Raina. So much like you.” Carter leaned down and kissed her again. At the first hint of another kiss and then another, Kelly bolted. She made it to the kitchen in record time. Grabbing some orange juice and a couple of glasses, she put them on a tray with some fruit and powdered beignets Adrien had made the day before. She glanced at the shutters and the strong glass they protected. “So far so good,” she said to herself.

  The sea must be tumultuous, she thought. If it wasn’t for the rain coming down so hard and the lightning, she’d be out on the water riding the seven-foot waves. But it wasn’t safe, and she had other plans.

  Back in her bedroom, she found Rafe just as she had left him. Drinking in the sight of him was like a cure-all for the crazy, including her parents and their crazy fights, crazy love and being crazy about each other.

  After putting the tray down on a table, she pushed the button to automatically open the shutters. It was still dark enough outside that the light didn’t bother Rafe.

  Her phone buzzed on the nightstand and she rushed to get it before it woke her favorite marine. Snatching it up, she darted for the bathroom. Greg’s face popped up on the screen and she wrinkled her nose.

  Nope. Not today.

  Thumbing Decline, she turned her phone off. Her parents were upstairs. Rafe was in her bedroom. She really didn’t need—or want—any more interruptions in the day.

  Greg could wait.

  Turning on the hot water, she stepped into the shower. As she rinsed the conditioner out of her hair, the shower door opened.

  Rafe stood there, gloriously naked. She leaned over for a good-morning kiss.

  “All done?” he asked with a chuckle and only a mild amount of disappointment in his voice.

  “Hmm. Nope.”

  Nudging her aside, he stepped into the shower with her. He found the shampoo and squeezed some into his palm. “Everything okay outside?”

  “So far. Just a lot of rain and noise.”

  He showered so much more efficiently than she did. His hair was scrubbed and rinsed in under a minute. She loved watching him. Every move was so precise.

  “Anything we need to do? Family members to separate? No chefs to play guitar for? No Pilates to teach?”

  “Nope.” She shook her head slowly.

  “Nothing for the rest of the day?”

  “Not until the new guests arrive tonight. It’s raining,” she said coyly. “So you know what that means?”

  He grinned. “What?”

  “We have to play inside games.” She turned all the jets on in the shower.

  Rafe pressed her against the wall.

  “I really like inside games,” he said as his lips met hers.

  Me, too.


  SATURDAY MORNING DAWNED with a blissfully perfect blue sky and strong, steady waves. Rafe sat on the beach, enjoying the cool breeze and warm sunshine. Fijians and tourists alike spilled out in noisy ones and twos up and down the beach. Rafe learned that the surf meet had brought in more than ninety-six surfers from around the world and six wild cards. Placards and signs with names like Logi, Bryson and Smith meant little to Rafe, but he wasn’t remotely surprised to see a Kelly Callahan banner.

  Luckily the beaches were washed clean and smooth. Very little debris remained on the pristine sand, cluttered now by a profusion of surfboards, umbrellas and surfers who could double as swimsuit models. It was as if the storm hadn’t happened. The swells and peaks were farther from the shore than he liked. He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, when he saw Kelly’s pink board cut left and then she was on her feet, riding the huge wave.

  It never failed to take his breath away. When she’d bounced out of bed and into her bikini that morning, she’d vibrated with energy. Her bright eyes danced with suppressed laughter and she dashed back and forth, warming up, stretching out and surprising him with kisses at every turn. He’d quickly gotten himself ready and followed her out to the beach.

  For three blissful days, they’d made love, shared meals, and he’d watched her practice. The practice left him torn between awe and terror. She could execute aerial maneuvers, cutting off the top of the wave and coming back in. The first tube ride she took he was up and on his feet and at the water’s edge without realizing he’d moved.

  She wasn’t just a good surfer. She was a stunning athlete. She rode the waves as if she owned them. He rather enjoyed the fact that avoiding her parents meant she stayed in his bungalow. Every night they sprawled on the sand and talked for hours. Lots of things he liked to do with women, but just talking hadn’t been high on his list.

  Before Kelly.

  Everything seemed to come down to that term. Before Kelly. The first heats were due to start in an hour. A lot of surfers were out on the waves, like Kelly, warming up. He checked the pack of supplies she’d insisted on bringing, including fresh wax and her wax comb.

  As she came into the shallow water, her expression radiated triumph and he jerked his thumb up. She waded in toward him, board tucked securely under her arm. The satisfied smile on her face couldn’t have been more deserved.

  He pulled a bottle of water out of the cooler and unscrewed the cap for her. When he looked up, she was standing on the shore.

  Talking to Greg.

  His gaze narrowed, but he waited. Greg was her manager and ex. Emphasis on the ex. He was probably giving her tips on her performance—not that she needed any. Or maybe he was confirming her schedule. Rafe’s toes flexed against the sand. It took real effort to stay put and not walk down there to hear what they were discussing.

  Greg shifted to the left, revealing Kelly’s furious expression. The hell with waiting.

  Long strides carried him toward her, but Greg took off at a lazy jog before Rafe could get there, leaving Kelly to stare after the jerk.

  “Hey.” Rafe touched her arm. “Everything okay?”

  “Great.” It sounded anything but.

  “What did he do?” He tossed a look after Greg. He wasn’t far enough away that even with his bum leg Rafe couldn’t catch him and drag him back for an apology if need be.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Kelly didn’t quite look at him as she began to make her way over to their spot. The smile had vanished from her face and her
shoulders were slumped forward.

  “Kelly, babe?” He fell into step beside her. “How many pieces do you want his leg broken into?”

  She shook her head and the streak of tears on her cheeks left him incensed. Just what had Greg said to her?

  “I should have expected it.” Her hands shook as she set the end of her board into the sand. She dashed a towel against her face, scrubbing away the evidence of her tears.

  “Expected what?” He kept his words quiet and direct. He needed clear intel so he could handle the situation.

  “Greg quit. He’s representing Jaci Smith now. She’s ranked number three, a real contender and her career is going places.” Her voice cracked in the middle. “And it’s stupid to be upset about it. I mean Greg and I, we weren’t really working together. I’m not as invested as he wants me to be and I won’t let him sell Last Resort or lock me up in contracts. And he’s been calling for the last few days to tell me, but I wouldn’t answer his calls. He wanted to be fair and let me know as soon as possible, but his timing sucks. Now he tells me?”

  She paused, hands on her hips.

  “Basically, I refused to do what he thinks is best, so he dumped me for some chick who fauns all over him. I’ve got to go grab my number and sign in because Greg didn’t do it.”

  Kelly took off before he could say a word. He clenched his fists. The jerk could have dropped this news on her after the meet, or even in the three days prior he could have come by the resort or found another way to contact her. He’d had no problem showing up here before.

  No, he’d waited until she had to compete.


  Rafe would make it right. No one messed with his Kelly.

  * * *

  AFTER FILLING OUT her paperwork, Kelly checked in with the coordinators. Driving the negativity of the past twenty minutes out of her mind, she forced herself to focus. Greg had done this on purpose to throw her off balance. But his mind games no longer worked on her. She had Rafe. Her rock. And nothing else mattered.

  She accepted her number with a wan smile and headed back to her board. She would be in the second heat. She preferred the third or fourth. That gave her time to watch the waves. The storm should have gentled the waters, but another squall a few hundred miles out was creating super peaks and swells.