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Mission: Seduction Page 4

  What is wrong with you?

  And how many times had he asked himself that question since he’d arrived at Last Resort? He didn’t want to admit it, but he knew exactly what was wrong with him. He had it bad for Mimi’s sister—in the worst possible way. In fact, he had it in a way that he’d never had before. This innate interest in her and need to take care of her was something completely new to him.

  Sweet and so gorgeous, Kelly took his breath away. He had never believed in the ideal woman. The sexy woman, the fun woman, the marrying woman, even the nurturing woman, but Kelly filled all those categories and more. When he’d opened his eyes and saw her bright pink toenail polish, he’d nearly jumped off the massage table.

  Strong, smooth hands pummeled and pushed his body. His cock was so hard that it hurt. Slim fingers worked the muscles in his upper right thigh and hip.

  “Wow, you have a lot of tension here,” she said as she used her elbow to press effectively into his flesh.

  No joke. If she could see his pelvis, she’d run for the hills. Tent nothing—he had a battleship underneath, ready to go to war with those precious hands of hers.

  “Time to turn over.” She held up the sheet to give him some privacy. He couldn’t do it.

  Ripping the sheet from her hands, he tightened it around himself as he rolled awkwardly off the table. Scooping up his shorts with one hand, he ran for the door. It was a full-on strategic retreat. He was not here to seduce Mimi’s sister. And yet, if he let her put her hands on him one more time, then that was exactly what would happen.


  He couldn’t look back.

  “Uh, I think I left the coffeemaker on in my room,” he said as he threw open the door.

  Her soft, hesitant laugh caught him as he double-timed it out of the building.

  She knew as well as he did that there were no coffeemakers in the rooms.

  Standing under the cold spray of the shower in his room, Rafe tried to calm himself down, but it was impossible. He made the water warmer and grasped his cock.

  Memories of Kelly flashed through his brain. Kelly on her surfboard, so free and happy. Kelly in her sexy pink yoga clothes. Kelly with that flat, tanned stomach under her knotted T-shirt. The woman was driving him mad with wanting her, and she was absolutely clueless.

  When he started to imagine that sweet voice of hers begging him to make love to her, it was more than he could take. He came so hard he had to brace himself against the shower wall.

  Gasping for breath, he let the water sluice down his body, rinsing away his need for her. He had to do something about this before it got any worse.

  Maybe I should find somewhere else to stay? After all, what would she think of him if he dared to act on his urges? He had gone there to spend time with her sister.

  Rafe rejected the idea of leaving, though, the moment it occurred to him. No way, wasn’t going to happen, he told himself. He didn’t want to be away from her. So even if he couldn’t—or rather, shouldn’t—have her, he’d still spend as much time with her as possible. She might drive his body wild, but she was a balm for his soul. The previous night had been the first without nightmares in years. He’d been so consumed with thoughts about her before he fell asleep that she’d filled his dreams.

  “Rafe?” Hell, she was in his room.

  “In the shower,” he called out to her. “Just a minute.”

  He doused himself in freezing cold water to dampen the fire raging in his blood. Twisting off the knob, he sucked in a breath and wrapped a towel around his waist.

  Just as he went from the bathroom into the bedroom, Kelly was setting an envelope on his pillow.

  “Oh.” Her eyes flashed wide, and he watched as her gaze traveled from his chest all the way down to his toes and back up to his face. “I—”

  Obviously, he affected her as much as she did him. Grim satisfaction surged through him. Her demeanor was exactly the sign Rafe needed—well, once he settled matters with Mimi. And he couldn’t rush at Kelly like he wanted to. This would take time. She was special, and he didn’t want to screw it up by coming across like some horny teenager.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you,” he told her, and gave her his best smile.

  “That’s—” she swallowed hard “—okay. I wanted to see if you’d be my date, well, not actually a date, maybe escort. No, no, that isn’t right, either.” She looked in one direction then another as if flustered.

  “I’m happy to go wherever you need me to.”

  “I was hoping that it might be nice for you to meet some of the ex-pats who live here,” she said. “What I was trying to say is that we could go together to this party that one of my sponsors is throwing tonight. I want to show my face so that they don’t forget about me.”

  No one could ever forget her, of that he was certain.

  He couldn’t tell her no, and in fact, he didn’t want to.

  “What do I need to wear?”

  “It’s always casual around here. Jeans or shorts and a shirt would be great. It starts at eight, but we don’t need to get there until about nine. That’s when the band plays.” She turned and all but bounced from the room.

  Band, that meant the possibility of dancing. Rafe smiled slowly. He didn’t mind that one bit. Even with his bum leg he might be able to do a slow dance or three.

  Thoughts of holding her close appealed to him.

  “And lunch is ready when you are,” she announced, stopping at the doorway to face him. She was fiddling with her hair and at one point she slapped her hands together. The fidgeting was provocative and inviting. He wanted to catch her hands in his and pull her close to him right then.

  Never in his life had he wanted a woman so much. It was the universe messing with his head. If he played the gentleman like he’d planned to, he might never taste her lips or—

  No. That wasn’t likely.

  He kept his hands fisted at his sides and the towel in place. She gave him another one of those shy, sexy smiles and escaped into sand and sunshine.

  Pressing flesh with Kelly was definitely intriguing, but he had a code he lived by. If he could possibly avoid it, he wouldn’t hurt her or Mimi.

  He needed a solution and fast.

  Picking up his cell phone, Rafe prayed that he could reach Mimi in time.


  THE CALIFORNIA TAN girls surrounded Rafe like an impenetrable wall of bikini-clad models. They were there to promote tanning lotion, but they seemed more interested in the marine. Kelly couldn’t blame them. Given his rough good looks and firm body, he was like a god. Her palms itched to once again get her fingers on his rock-hard body. And those blue eyes...she could gaze into them all night. The man was absolutely breathtaking.

  One of the brunettes pulled a small bottle of California Tan from between her breasts and rubbed the lotion into Rafe’s hand as she gave him a sensual smile.

  Rafe tried to pull away.

  Kelly’s mouth flattened into a straight line. Enough was enough. Rafe was hers. Well, technically he was her sister’s, but she couldn’t stand the thought of those women touching him.

  They had to go.

  Her plans to get rid of the annoying models conflicted, however, with the guilt nibbling at her conscience. Earlier, she’d listened to Rafe’s voice mail message. Believing he was talking to Mimi, he’d told her that something crazy had happened. He’d called twice and after getting no answer, he said he needed to go ahead and set the record straight so he wasn’t leading her on.

  “You’ve been so kind to me the last few months,” he’d said earnestly in his message. “But the truth is, I’ve found someone who— Well, I really want to see where it goes. The woman, that part I would like to talk to you about in person. It’s complicated. I didn’t want to do this over the phone, but I’ve never bee
n able to get a hold of you. Thank you so much for sending me here to Fiji. It’s turned out to be one of the most amazing trips of my life. I hope wherever you are that you’re having a great time. And thank you again for keeping my spirits up while I was in the hospital. Bye.”

  Kelly had deleted the message and hugged herself. He was an honest and honorable man. She needed to be honest with him, too.

  “We need to talk,” said Greg, her manager, interrupting her thoughts.

  She sighed. He wouldn’t let up on her about returning to the circuit. She wasn’t ready yet, but he didn’t want to hear that.

  “It’s a party, Greg. I don’t want to talk about business, and I haven’t changed my mind.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “I promise I won’t nag, babe. Just want to share some good news.”

  Kelly narrowed her eyes at him. Greg wasn’t a bad guy, but the only thing he cared about was the bottom line. Of course, she was the last one to complain about that since his concern for the bottom line was one of the many reasons she never had to worry about money. She could live in paradise for the rest of her life if she wanted to. Still, even though she believed he had her best interests at heart, he didn’t understand the emotional side of what she needed.

  That was something they’d both learned when they dated a few years ago. They were friends as well as business partners and he’d seen her through the good and the bad times. Then one day she looked at him and saw someone other than “the boss,” as she called him. She had the flu and he didn’t want her on the water until she was better. But it was one of the biggest meets of the year, and she refused to miss it.

  She’d won the event but couldn’t even paddle in, she was so tired. He swam out to get her and carried her straight to the doctor’s office.

  At first, she and Greg seemed like the perfect match. She so appreciated everything he was doing for her career, until she realized that crossing their private and professional boundaries meant that he would act as if he owned her. She broke up with him when he started to agree to things on her behalf without checking with her first.

  She should have fired him, but she was loyal to a fault.

  He motioned to the tables on the terrace overlooking the sea. “Fine, let’s talk.” But she frowned as she noticed the cloying girls circling Rafe.

  She followed Greg to a quiet spot, impatient to get this over with.

  “So,” Greg began, grinning as he set his beer glass in front of him. “Baywear wants you as a spokesmodel for their new clothing line and they are willing to pay big to make that happen.”

  Kelly bit her lip. She’d wanted to be a Baywear girl all of her life. One of her surfing mentors, Roz Mazur, had been one. It was a sign that you had made it to the top. A dream come true. “What’s the catch?” she asked.

  Greg shrugged. “There’s travel involved. You’d have to do their larger events at different tournaments, print and online ads and commercials. The contract they’re offering is for two million dollars, but you’ll be on the road at least eighty days a year.”

  Kelly fidgeted in her chair. It made sense they’d want to get the most for their money. And eighty days was nothing compared to what she had done the past few years with more than two hundred days on the road.

  “I’d have to find a full-time manager for the resort.”

  “Yeah, listen, about that. I have an excellent buyer for you. He’s willing to pay three times what you did. Believe me, it’s probably the best deal you’ll ever get.” The blasé delivery coupled with Greg’s outright audacity delivered a one-two punch to her gut.

  Glancing up at the sky, she fought to control her temper. “Why would you even mention selling my place? I told you I don’t plan on ever selling it. What is wrong with you? You never listen to me. It’s always about the money with you. I thought you cared about what’s best for me, but it’s obvious that you don’t.” Her raised voice was drawing the attention of the nearby crowd.

  “What? I’m not supposed to tell you when some guy approaches me out of the blue and wants to buy your property? Whatever may have happened between us before, you’re wrong, babe. I always want what’s best for you.” He shook his head. “You don’t make it easy though. You could take that money and buy two more resorts, if you wanted.”

  She growled in frustration. He always had an answer for everything. And getting angry wouldn’t work. He’d shut down and give her that patronizing look. The one that said he’d wait until she calmed down and became a reasonable human being.

  She hated that look.

  “I don’t want three resorts. I only want Last Resort. What’s wrong with that?”

  His eyebrows shot up. “You’d walk away from a cash deal like this one for some big house by the beach.”

  “Greg, that place is personal to me, okay? That’s the only way I know how to explain it to you. I need it. I will always need it.... It’s somewhere I can catch my breath, remember what’s important in my life. If you ever try to sell it, I will use you as chum.” Her last syllable had been a screech and she’d stood up during her speech.

  Greg remained there, sitting peacefully, watching her, which made the scene even more frustrating for Kelly.

  “Kelly, is everything all right?” Rafe asked, standing next to her.

  “Yes.” She turned and gave him a tight smile. “This is my manager, Greg Sanders. Greg, this is my...friend, Rafe. Greg and I were just discussing some business.”

  Her manager nodded by way of greeting. Greg never liked seeing her with other men, but that was his problem. He called them distractions. Funny, when she was dating him, the surf bunnies he hung out with didn’t seem to distract him.

  “Do you want to dance?” Rafe’s gaze focused in on her, and immediately pulled her from the riptide of fury she was feeling. His grin was heart-stopping. No wonder women swooned around him. That rugged jaw and the intensity in his eyes hinted at danger. Every girl wanted a taste of the dark side.

  “I’ll talk to you later, Greg,” she said by way of a dismissal.

  “You have two days to make a decision, then Baywear will move on to their second choice,” Greg called out to her. He didn’t sound happy. How many times had she brought up Baywear and her desire for that contract? Annoying as he was, he only wanted to help her.

  She stopped, deciding she should address him fairly. “I promise. We’ll talk tomorrow. And though it doesn’t sound like it, I do know how hard you worked for this. But I’m not just going to sign on the dotted line anymore. It’s important for you to understand that. I need to think about what it is I want for the future.”

  Greg frowned.

  Kelly took Rafe’s hand and told him, “Tonight, we party.”

  Greg mumbled something, but she couldn’t hear him over the growing din of noise.

  Last Resort had been turned over to the California Tan team, and they’d decorated it as a colorful, twinkling paradise. There were lights, food and plenty of giveaways. The party planners had even hired bikini-clad girls to dance inside giant plastic balls that rolled around on the surface of the pool. They spun into one another like some kind of bubble derby.

  Everything organized about these parties was to entice buyers to pick up loads of product. Many guests at these events were circuit sponsors. If it wasn’t for them, Kelly would be counting pennies and still working at her local surf shop. Her parents were well-off, but she and her sister had always been determined to make it on their own.

  The Beach Bums band was set up on a makeshift stage. One of their best-known ballads filled the air.

  Rafe held her loosely and she slipped her arms around his neck. Emboldened by his voice mail message left for her sister, Kelly felt totally confident. She opened her mouth to tell him the truth, but his gaze scorched her. Pressing herself into him, she laid her cheek on his chest.

  “Things seemed heated when I walked up,” he said.

  She didn’t want to talk about Greg. She had a lot to think about and right now all she really wanted to do was lose herself in Rafe. Being here with him, like this, gave her an unexpected sense of calm. It was strange, given they’d just met face-to-face, that he should feel like home to her. She had that same feeling about Last Resort, but it was as if he were the missing piece of the puzzle.

  For a few seconds she thought about what it would be like to settle down with someone like Rafe. To give up the travel, the competitions, the adrenaline rush.

  Already she was making a home for herself on the island—a home Rafe completed with his mere presence. Of course, she couldn’t actually say that to him. The poor guy would freak and run away faster than a cheetah.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to interfere with your business,” Rafe said apologetically.

  “No. That’s how Greg and I talk over things these days. He gets on my nerves, and I’m sure I do the same to him.”

  “From the way he looked at you, the two of you are more than friends.” His tone was guarded, cautious.

  Lifting her head, she met his gaze. His face was a blank mask.

  “We were, a long time ago. But that proverbial boat launched and sank almost simultaneously. We’re better business partners. This is nice,” she said as she rubbed her cheek against his chest.

  “It is.” They swayed together perfectly in tune with each other.

  She must tell him the truth, Kelly thought. This would be a good time. Maybe in public he wouldn’t get upset at her for her deception about Mimi.

  “Rafe, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” She kept her head down, too much of a coward to look him in the eye.

  “I have something I need to talk to you about, too,” he said, “but let’s wait until we’re alone. I really just want to enjoy—uh—hanging out with you.”

  Don’t give in to temptation. Be honest with him and rip the bandage off.

  But his hands stroked the base of her spine and she gave a happy sigh. One night with Rafe might be the only one she ever had. Realistically, once he did know the truth, he might not forgive her.